Saturday, February 15, 2014

My trip to Melbourne last year was one i will never forget

Having grown up in the country, I was over the moon about the opportunity to not only attend the Spring Racing Carnival at Flemington race course, but I was going to the big event itself.  I was going to the Melbourne Cup!
Ever since I was a kid, barbequing in my parents back yard, clutching at my sweep tickets in eager anticipation of my horse running faster than all the others, I wanted to go.  I wanted to be one of those people in the crowd.  I wanted to be dressed to impress, to wear a fancy dress and to top it all off with an even fancier hat!  I just HAD to go!
Fifteen short years later, I was sitting at home, watching TV when I saw the first Spring Racing Carnival ad for the season.  “oh that would be sooo cool” I though.  Then as it settled in… I’m a big girl now, why not hop on a train, head to Melbourne and FINALLY go?!  So I did…
The night before the races was frantic.  What to wear, what hat to match to my dress (had been thinking about this for only 15 years), what shoes to match to my handbag and what boy I should match to me!  ;)
The plan was for us to all get the train into Flemington, but we had heard horror stories from the locals about how busy that would be, so Matt got us onto his friends Limo Hire Company - CBD Limousines.
At first none of us thought we’d have a chance of booking a limo on the night before the Melbourne Cup, but luck was on our side!  The guy we spoke to (Danny) was absolutely hilarious on the phone.  Matt had warned him that we were going to call, so after playing a huge trick on us, he dropped the game and told us that he already had a bottle of Champagne on ice and was going to pick us up in a 12 seater stretched limo at 10:30am.  I think the squealing from the group of girls in the room deafened his ears.
Anyway sure enough, at 10:30 on the dot, a slick, shinny, stretched limo came around the corner, with music already cranking!  The ride into Flemington was far quicker than expected, so Danny took us through the bottle shop for a ‘top up’ and drove us around the block a few times so we could get our moneys worth.
After arriving at the track, the whole day became a blur of a drunk crowd, crazy dresses, warm champagne (it was 35 degrees!) and young guys trying to pick us up.  Even still I managed to keep my heels on, lose $20 on a horse (damn you!) and eventually found my way back to the pick up point, where Danny the limo driver was waiting with the doors open and bottles of water waiting for us!!
Next stop was Maccas, then after that, STRAIGHT to bed.  

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